Every time you obtain a brand new web hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is made and as automated as the entire process seems, there're always little things which are done personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more jobs to be done considering that these forms of website hosting generally require a manual setup, software installation and configuration, testing the server platform to ensure that everything is working the way it should, etc. To cover the cost for the time and efforts these tasks take, most companies require a one-time installation fee to be paid by their clients on top of the price for the shared hosting. The charge in most cases applies to any new website hosting account being purchased and it is hardly ever mentioned on the company’s site, however it shows up on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Shared Hosting

If you obtain a shared hosting plan through our company, you won't ever need to pay any installation fees. In fact, we do not have other hidden fees of any sort too. We appreciate every client and it is our concept that if you order any kind of package through us, you shouldn't have to pay anything more than the cost for your hosting package. You won't discover any kind of hidden charges after or before your purchase, which shows you that we're a reliable and trustworthy provider. The price of your new shared hosting plan is identical everywhere on our site - the main page, the order as well as the payment pages. As we offer instant account activation, you won't have to wait for many hours or even days so that you can start building your website.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server plans don't have any kind of installation fees, so when you order a new account, your total fee for the first month will be the very same for your future renewals. Considering the fact that it takes us a couple of min to set up and activate a new semi-dedicated account, we believe that it would not be right to charge you something for that. You shall see the very same amount on our front page, on your payment page as well as on your bank or PayPal statement and you will not ever need to pay any sort of extra costs. If you already have a standard shared web hosting account with our company and you need a more powerful alternative, we will even relocate all your content to the new semi-dedicated account gratis.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Hosting

Our Linux dedicated hosting don't have any setup or other concealed fees. During the registration process, you will pay only the regular monthly price for the package that you have picked. When you place your order, we will build and test your brand new machine, then we will install all the software that you will need to have a completely functional server - OS, hosting Control Panel in case you've chosen one, web server, MySQL, and many more. All of these activities are a part of the plan and they are provided free of cost, which means that the registration payment and all your future renewal payments will be identical. If the server features our tailor-made Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you have a shared web hosting account through us, we can even transfer all your content on your new server without charge.